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Love story of BJ Habibie Habibie And Aiunun

Perhaps Love Story will never expire before one of the couple's death and only death can separate the two and perhaps that is what is called true love. Love that comes from the heart not because of lust, like the story of love between BJ Habibie and Ainun Raised to the big screen in order to inspire everyone.

Quoted From Vemale.com

The love story of BJ Habibie and Ainun Habibie made a lot of people, especially women, want to have the same love story, or at least, a remarkable true love. Although even Insulted, Habibie & Ainun Will Perform at the International Film Celebration.

Film Habibie & Ainun began when they met the first time in the school. From the beginning, both described as intelligent students by the master "foreseen" paired. However, the young soul Habibie has not found the courage gorgeous and a Ainun. In fact, Habibie said that Ainun ugly, fat, black .. like sugar. A sweet ridicule and successfully made a lot of viewers smile.

"My brown sugar has turned into sugar"

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Time rolled on, both go to school in different places. Habibie took the science of mechanical engineering, while Ainun take medicine. Fate brought them back. Ainun once said like sugar, has been emitting atmosphere smart girl, firm and beautiful. Habibie rectify his words first, Ainun no longer be sugar, but sugar is pure and sweet.

As a bright and beautiful girl, many men who lined up to ingratiate Ainun. Habibie, who at a young age was a nobody (even labeled poor) still believes in his heart that Ainun was the girl who would be his best man. Although his friends pessimistic attitude Habibie, Habibie sure that mate already set up. With logic owned engineering, Habibie argued

"How good-looking or not, if his heart is not the frequency, how?"

-BJ Habibie in the film Habibie & Ainun

I'll be the best husband for Ainun ..

Once again, the line mate shows that the "frequency" Habibie and Ainun are on the same track and fit. It was not long until Habibie expressed his love and seriousness to get married and bring Ainun live together in Germany, to accompany Habibie finish school and dream of making airplanes Indonesia. This is the sweet words that made her drop at a steady Ainun Habibie.

"I can not promise a lot of things. I do not know whether we are living in Germany would be difficult or not, whether Ainun still could be a doctor or not. But clearly, I'll be the best husband for Ainun."

They both got married on May 12, 1962. Ainun Habibie immediately bring to live with him in Germany. A place far away from Indonesia, where they begin to struggle to build a family.

"Me and Ainun are two sports but in the soul"

Living in someone else's country become an uphill battle. Habibie and Ainun experiencing tough times, but they reinforce each other, support each other. Until little by little, the better their lives. Their happiness more complete with the presence of two hearts are adorable. When their children can already deposited on the caregiver, Ainun back longing to help others. With the permission Habibie, Ainun practiced as a pediatrician.

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This is where the firmness of a wife and mother is at stake. When Habibie began assembling his dreams, Ainun are in a watershed. The moment Ainun help many children and their cure from illness, instead of his son ill. It made Ainun thinking changed. Finally this gentle woman disrobed doctors to dedicate entirely to her husband and their baby.

When Habibie returned to Indonesia to realize his dream of making airplanes, Ainun always faithful to accompany and reinforce her husband. Also when Habibie entered the political world full of temptations of money and beautiful young woman, both still fighting for the loyalty of love and devotion to the country. Ainun never forget to prepare a drug for her husband, with the fact that he himself has been convicted of having ovarian cancer. Ainun conceal it from her husband, in the hope that Habibie stay focused increasingly heavy duty carry.

Goodbye dear ..

Little by little, the cancer suffered Ainun undermined his body. Habibie finally know the heavy burden borne Ainun. Many times surgery is done, even with the latest medical equipment in Germany, but the conditions do not get better Ainun. For Habibie, he must fight for life Ainun, because his wife had sacrificed much for her. Indeed, deep down Ainun, he never felt victimized, he sincerely accompany Habibie and become a faithful wife, as he promised before marriage.

Fate makes Habibie and Ainun split. Tears are not enough to show how a strong and tough Habibie had to lose the woman he loved so much, strong woman who always accompanied him, the woman who was still thinking about the health of Habibie when he had to fight with the cancer that eats away at the body.

A story of love and loyalty that make many women would like to have the same love story. Such was supposed to be a man, a husband, and the like that should be a woman, a wife. Support each other, look after each other, love each other and be faithful in a sweet romance. Certainly many of you are thinking "I Want to Feel the Love Story Romantic Ainun Habibie".

Sweet movie that could be a great inspiration for us. If you have not watched this movie, there's still time to enjoy it. Peek also 10 Love Romantic Movie Quotes Habibie & Ainun :)

You are a stubborn people and Withering Withering difficult I've ever met. But if I had to redo my life, I would still choose you.

-Ainun In the film Habibie & Ainun

That is the story of love between BJ Š¯abibie and Ainun Habibie, admin read this to tears was so touched.

It turns out true love is beautiful but not easy to get because they have to pass through the struggle is so difficult and steep roads ahead.

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May be useful to the reader and can inspire you all so quickly next time to find true love. Amen

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